Subject: 3rd European Digital Cities Conference
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: ke 23 huhti 1997 - 12:50:08 EEST
Dear list members,
I thought this message from the ISPO-list could be of interest to you.
3rd European Digital Cities Conference:
The road to deployment
Berlin, 1-2 December 1997
Organised in the framework of the European Digital Cities (EDC) project,
a support action of the EC Telematics Applications Programme
Call for paper, first announcement
22 April 1997
Dear Sir/Madam,
It is our great pleasure to announce that the theme of the third European
Digital Cities Conference, Berlin 1-2 December 1997, will be "The Road to
Deployment". This follows two successful conferences. The first, "The
Challenge of the Future", Copenhagen May 1996, set the scene for cities and
regions in the Information Society. The second, "The Role of Cities, Towns
and Regions in the Development of the Information Society", Strasbourg
December 1996, looked more in depth at the policy framework surrounding this
issue. These conferences are one of the major awareness raising components
of the EDC project, a support action of the European Commission s Telematics
Applications Programme.
Proceedings and abstracts of these conferences are available from the EDC
web site at the URL:
This third European Digital Cities Conference will focus on the
socio-economic benefits of telematics for urban areas, covering:
the achievements so far in pilot applications and services,
the existing and emerging infrastructures for deployment,
the identification of the barriers for deployment,
the challenges and benefits of cross-sector integration of telematics
The key players involved in these developments will be represented among the
conference participants : local and regional authorities, research
institutions, industry and operators from all over Europe.
We invite all of you to submit summaries of presentations on innovative and
concrete applications of telematics in an urban and regional context. The
presentation of validation trials and resulting exploitation plans will be
of specific interest. Abstracts of papers should be submitted to the EDC
coordination office by 30 May 1997 for consideration by the Programme
Committee. Proposals for round table discussions or workshops are also
We also invite you to present demonstrations for the exhibition which will
take place parallel to the conference. Preference will be given to
demonstrations of innovative applications in a cross-sectoral context. For
further information on the exhibition and expressions of interest, please
contact the EDC coordination office.
We look forward to welcoming you in Berlin.
Yours sincerely,
Eric Mino
European Digital Cities project coordinator
Enclosure: specifications for paper abstract submissions,
3rd European Digital Cities Conference: The road of deployment
Berlin, 1-2 December 1997
Call for participation
(presentations and demonstrations)
Official languages of the conference: English, French and German
Specifications for presentation summaries
Summaries should be in English with a cover sheet containing name, address,
telephone, fax, electronic mail and, where available, Website address of
the person to whom correspondence should be addressed. This must arrive not
later than 31 May, 1997.
Each paper should contain:
Title, Name(s) and Position(s) of Author(s) with their contact details;
Short CV of the Author(s)
Presentation summary maximum 600 words;
Keywords, indicating principal fields of application;
It is possible to send both hard copy and electronic version. The latter
should be in MS Word (2.0 or later) or RTF format.
The electronic submission is preferred. E-mail address: and Fax: +32 2 552 08 89 can be used for paper
Deadline for submission of presentation summaries by 31 May 1997
Authors will be notified of acceptance by 30 June, 1997.
The final version of accepted papers will be required by 30 September, 1997.
Abstracts will be available at the conference. Conference proceedings will
be published after the conference and widely disseminated.
Call for Demonstrations
Facilities will be available at conference centre for demonstrating urban
innovative telematics applications and tools. Long breaks (approx. 1 hour)
for demonstrations will feature in the agenda.. If you are interested in
demonstrating the results of your research contact the EDC coordination by
31 May, 1997 with the following information:
Title, Name(s) and Position(s) of Author(s) with their contact details;
Summary of the demonstration maximum 600 words;
Equipment required for the demonstration;
Keywords, indicating principal fields of application;
Further information on the 3rd EDC Conference can be obtained from the EDC
coordination office at the following address:
EDC project coordination office
c/o Telecities
18 square de Mee s
B-1050 Brussels
Tel: +32 2 552 0868 - Fax: +32 2 552 0889
Information can also be obtained from the EDC WEB page at:URL
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