Re: EU copyright exceptions

Subject: Re: EU copyright exceptions
From: Fred Friend (
Date: to 17 huhti  1997 - 15:07:59 EEST

I am not sure if members of the ecup list know of the discussions we have
been having in the UK on the definition of fair dealing in electronic
publications. These discussions are relevant to the "new rights for users"
Emanuella Giavarra asks about in this message. The results of the UK
discussions cannot be made public as yet - a report will probably be
available in two or three months - but it does seem likely that we have
reached agreement on what does and does not constitute fair dealing in
electronic publications for academic purposes. The discussions have been
taking place between representatives of the Publishers Association and JISC,
the Joint Information Systems Committee (the funding agency for the
post-Follett Electronic Libraries Programme). Charles Clark has kept this
group informed about the European context to our discussions. We have
approached this question of fair dealing not from the point of view of "new
rights" but of practical definitions of reasonable behaviour which allow for
individual research and study without threatening the interests of publishers.
Fred Friend

At 09:28 15/04/97 +0000, Emanuella Giavarra wrote:
Dear list members,

In Article 10 of the WIPO Copyright Treaty and its Statement, the scope
of the limitations and exceptions for users of copyright material is
given. The Statement to Article 10 permits the governments even to
devise *new* exceptions and limitations that are appropriate in the
digital network environment.

I would be interested to hear if any of you has a suggestion for new
rights for users and/or libraries under electronic copyright.

The text of Article 10 can be found on the ECUP Web-site under *Other
Reports* at

Kind regards,
Emanuella Giavarra

Frederick J. Friend, Librarian, University College London,
Gower Street, London, England WC1E 6BT.
Direct dial telephone: +44 171 380 7090
Fax: +44 171 380 7373

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