Re: Copyright and authors right

Subject: Re: Copyright and authors right
From: Mark Perkins (
Date: ke 16 huhti  1997 - 16:47:28 EEST

Heikki & Angelique
 Nobody else has the
 right to use your articles, unless you have given the permission. That
 is the core of your copyright. It is basically immaterial right. Money
 comes in only if someone else is willing to pay for your work. There is
 not any automatical mechanism!

However, some publishers have been known to republish - especially in
electronic form - articles to which they do not own the copyright and
to which the author (copyright owner) has not agreed. In
these cases you can get paid, via the courts! In the USA the National
Writers Union is very active in this respect and has contacts with
similar organisations in other countries. Their web page is

          Mark Perkins, RRMG Librarian
          ODI Library, Portland House
       Stag Place. London SW1E 5DP UK
TEL: +44 (0)171-393-1650 FAX: +44 (0)171-393-1699

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