Re: Rethinking Copyright

Subject: Re: Rethinking Copyright
Date: pe 04 huhti  1997 - 19:08:49 EEST

I was fascinated to read M.T. Magermans ideas on copyright and I am
very sympathetic to a lot of the arguments. I especially liked the
practical approach. Any new imposed laws WILL only be respected if
they work in practice i.e. if they are easily complied with.
Personally, I agree that copying for non-commercial home use from the
Internet does not harm a rights owner. But what about students
copying? What about copying for teaching? What about copying by the
charitable sector? Will they have to pay because use is not home use?

Also, how can we prevent ourselves from being "rushed into laws" when
we have the EU about to impose the Directive on Reproduction Right?

Sandy Norman
Information Manager (Legal and Parliamentary)
Information Services
The Library Association
7 Ridgmount Street
London WC1E 7AE
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