LIBER - copyright preconference, July 1, 1997 in Berne

Subject: LIBER - copyright preconference, July 1, 1997 in Berne
Date: ke 05 maalis 1997 - 23:54:55 EET


LIBER (Ligue europeenne des bibliotheques de recherche) will held its
annual general conference at Berne, July 1 - 4 1997. At the place of
the Berne Convention a pre-conference brings together top European
speakers of coyright questions:

              Mr. Jukka Liedes
              Dr. Joerg Reinbothe
              Mr. Helge Sonneland
              Ms Emmanuella Giavarra

Guests are welcome as well as LIBER members!
For more details see the LIBER homepage at

Elmar Mittler

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