Subject: Re: Photographic Copyright in the EEA
From: Morten Hein (
Date: pe 28 helmi 1997 - 14:04:59 EET
Lars Aronsson wrote:
I wish to publish on the Internet some paintings by 18th century
painters. Obviously, the paintings are not covered by copyright. But
I don't have the resources to visit all the museums and private homes
where these paintings hang today, to photograph them myself, but would
have to rely on art books as my source for these images.
A photograph - if protected - can not be used without permission.
Actually making a photograph of a painting is not just pointing the
camera towards the painting. The type of protection may vary from
country to country but never take for granted that a photograph just can
be used. Behind their is always a photographer that will need his butter
on the bread just like anybody else,
Morten Hein
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