From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: ma 23 joulu  1996 - 18:17:08 EET

                Second IMPRIMATUR Consensus Forum
                        Stockholm, Sweden
                 Monday 12 - Tuesday 13 May 1997
What type of Business Models need to be accommodated by IPR managing
In the very near future digital commerce in Intellectual Property Rights
will become a global industry, with content on different distribution
systems that needs to be protected and traded at the same time. It is not
yet clear what business models are possible in this environment. Most
Electronic Copyright Management Systems currently being proposed imply
very simple transactional processes that will not fulfill the
sophisticated needs of the creative and distribution industries. Indeed,
any ECMS that coerces business practice into a digital straightjacket
will inevitably fail. What is required are systems which not only enable
the type of rights clearance currently practised in the analoque world,
but which also make possible completely new services for the digital age.
The second IMPRIMATUR Consensus Forum will provide an opportunity to
discuss the IPR business models which will be needed for the future. It
may well be that new approaches to dealing in content - via access
payments, advertising or subscription systems or a combination of all
three - will emerge. All these issues will be presented via a series of
Workshops and Plenary sessions at the Forum.
Anyone interested in the development of such systems or their
implementation should attend. While the discussion and consensus building
will be conducted on the basis of natural language, there will also be
formal modelers present at the Forum to structure and align the models
being proposed.
Proposed Forum Outline
9.30 - 11.00 First Plenary Session
1) Introduction to the Forum
2) Keynote Speech One
3) Keynote Speech Two
11.30 - 5.00 pm Parallel workshops
The workshops will be based on scenarios, of which the following are only
an indication. However, they reflect a real world complexity that will
have to be mirrored in the virtual world of IPR trading.
1) The database publisher. In this scenario, a publisher wants to
provide an on-line database of content. The selection and arrangement of
the content is a very cost intensive operation. Recognising that the
content is protected under Copyright, the publisher attempts to clear the
rights before the material is assembled in the database. However, the
publisher cannot afford to clear the rights in advance and promises to
pay copyright fees as and when the database is accessed. This is not
acceptable to the Rights holders, who demand payment in advance of use
before the material can be incorporated into the database.
Question : How can this type of model be managed in the future?
2 The on-line narrowcaster. In this scenario, a new generation of
on-line Narrowcasters set out to provide information and entertainment
on-line. The service they provide is free, supported by highly targeted
advertising, driven by intelligent systems, which pays for the provision
of the service. Naturally, the Narrowcaster does not wish to pay for
copyright clearance until the user accesses it. The Rights holder, on the
other hand, want payment in advance. Any copyright management system must
be able to facilitate this kind of trade, which is not directly
Question : Can a link be made between the deployment of such a targeted
advertising supported entertainment service and an IPR managed system
3) A media distributor has only advertising revenues. Today, rights
holders would probably be paid on a negotiated hourly rate.
Question : In the future, how should the IPR owner be paid? On the same
basis? Outright? A fixed fee for each hit? A hit based relative
proportion of X % of the advertising revenues?
4) A media distributor has a base service sold by subscription fees
to end users.
Question : How should the IPR-owner be paid? - outright? A fixed fee for
each hit? A hit based relative proportion of X % of the subscription
5) A media distributor has a subscription based service. His
customer would like to access content which another media distributor
controls. The first Media Distributor will not give the second Media
Distributor his customer but would like to satisfy his customer by
reselling the content of the first Media Distributor. For this
he of course would like to have a certain margin.
Question : Will the first Media Distributor have to pay the IPR owner the
same as when he sells directly to an end user?
9.30 - 1.00 Second Plenary Session
1) Workshop Reports and Recommendations
2) General Discussion
2.00 pm - 5.00 pm Third Plenary Session
1) Integrated Modelling Report
2) General Discussion
3) Forum Summary and Final Conclusions
A second announcement giving more information about the Forum will be
sent out in January 1997.
For more information, including the cost of participation, please
IMPRIMATUR Co-ordinating Partner
8 Bedford Square
London WC1B 3RA
Phone : 44 171 436 5578
Fax : 44 171 426 5579
Email :

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