Subject: WIPO
Date: ke 18 joulu 1996 - 19:31:43 EET
Dear colleagues
I have been in contact with the IFLA team in Geneva and thought I should
report on what has been happening. It is not good. There have been few
meetings of the main committee. Most of the government delegate
meetings have been in selected groups - and ngos have been excluded. So
no-one really knows what is going on and all we get are rumours.
Government delegations, fed up by being lobbied, are becoming elusive.
It is now Wednesday and the Conference is due to finish on Friday. We do
know that the Database Treaty is out (it has not even been discussed) and
rumour has it that Treaty 2 (Neighbouring Rights) is also dead. On Treaty
1 (copyright), the conference is in deadlock on Articles 7, 10 and 12.
12(2) was out but is now back in. We were promised that a revised wording
would be put forward but as there has not been a meeting where it can be
raised, this has not happened. On Article 7, rumour has it that the UK are
putting forward a compromise. This is likely not to be in our favour.
There is still the possibility that it could be killed. We do not know
what is happening on Article 10. The EU and the US do not want the
original language changed.
The danger is now that delegates are very tired and fed up. They have
been working till midnight. Are we likely to get good decisions at this
late stage?
Not really.
Happy Christmas.
Sandy Norman
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