Subject: COPEARMS&IMPRIMATUR: an update
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: ke 06 marras 1996 - 23:55:36 EET

Dear list members,

I found the following update on the COPEARMS and
IMPRIMATUR projects by Sarah Keates on the discussion list of
the UK Focal Point of the Libraries Programme. More information
on these two projects can be found on the ECUP Web-site at under the icon 'Web links'

A COPEARMS SIG was held in September in Barcelona entitled
Looking at requirements for ECMS. It involved a small number of
participants but this undoubtedly aided discussions. IFLA, the prime
partner involved in promoting and publicising the project, is
responsible for organising a total of six standards/technical SIGs and
six workshops and hopes to establish a permanent
SIG. The meeting centred around the discussion of a scenario
devised in conjunction with IMPRIMATUR with the aim of
canvassing the views of all businesses involved in the use of
copyright material. It concerned a library which had stopped
subscribing to a publication as the new version was only
available online at increased cost. Participants were asked to give
their opinions as to the library's decision. A "virtual" SIG also took
place around the same time with responses from people unable to
participate in the meeting.
COPEARMS partners have now carried out feasibility studies with
a number of "vertical" projects to assess their need for assistance
with the intellectual property aspects of their projects. Where a
need is recognised, help would be received in establishing a
CITED-based ECMS. Work continues with technical
partners updating the CITED business model, in conjunction with
work on EDI and unique identifiers.
IMPRIMATUR is about to hold (21-22 November) the first of its
Consensus Fora. This will be held in London and will be split into
five workshops: initial ownership of rights; registration and identifiers;
ECMS - proprietary or ?; liability of intermediaries; privacy and
human rights. It is expected to be a successful event. The aim is to
explore how consensus can be reached on a variety of important
copyright topics with resulting plans of action. A "virtual" legal SIG -
quite a large part of the project - is also being set up
on a server at the University of Florence and will involve judges and
other legal representatives for the most part.
The coordinating partners (ALCS) travel widely to publicise the
project. Several partners have organised SIGs - a SIG conducted
by Eusidic and one in conjunction with an IFRRO conference in
Toronto both took place in October.
Cooperation continues between the two projects with Joint Liaison
Committee meetings held regularly and collaboration between
partners at other levels - e.g. CRID (Belgium) and ILC Telepathic
(UK) on legal issues. Both projects have now held a Review
meeting with the Commission and in general received a favourable
Future events within COPEARMS include a further two SIGs
organised by IFLA next year and a major international ECMS
conference next November. IMPRIMATUR will
hold another Consensus Forum probably next May in Stockholm.
Sarah Keates
October 1996

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