Lending of CD-ROMs in Norway

Subject: Lending of CD-ROMs in Norway
From: Heikki Poroila (poroila@kaapeli.fi)
Date: ke 30 loka   1996 - 10:03:47 EET

Dear ecup-list members,

Emanuella asked somebody to translate the Norwegian text about lending CD-ROMs. I'll
leave the factual translating to native Norwegian colleagues, but I could make a
short synopsis here.

The essence of this news is, I think, that some Norwegian official (I could not be sure,
what Kulturdepartement means) has interpreted their copyright law saying, that libraries
are allowed to lend out CD-ROMs as long as the computer program (which is always there)
is only for making the reading etc. of the content possible.

What is unclear to me is if this answer covers also CD-ROMs with sound (music) and/or
still images and/or moving images. I really hope so.

Heikki Poroila
Vantaa City Library
E-mail poroila@kaapeli.fi

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