Subject: ECUP Position Paper
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: ti 29 loka 1996 - 23:43:09 EET
Dear list-members,
The draft ECUP Position on User Rights in Electronic Publications
and the two matrices are now available on the ECUP web-site at:
These documents are the results of the discussions by the Steering
Group of the European Copyright User Platform. They were
discussed with representatives of authors' organisations,
publishing houses, collecting societies and subscription agents on
24 September 1996 in London.
The documents were recently presented to the EBLIDA Executive
Committee for comments. During the first half of 1997 ECUP
workshops will be organised by the members of EBLIDA in the
countries of the EU and Norway. During these workshops the
Position Paper and the matrices will be introduced and discussed.
Also the Heads of Agreements for site-licences for the use of
electronic material drawn up by the ECUP Steering Group will be
introduced and discussed. The results of the workshops will be
incorporated in the final ECUP Position.
The ECUP Steering Group is also very interested in discussing the
documents with the participants of the ecup-list. Should you like to
make a contribution, please forward it to the ecup-list
We look forward to your comments.
Kind regards,
Emanuella Giavarra
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