Results ECUP meeting with rightholders and intermediaries

Subject: Results ECUP meeting with rightholders and intermediaries
From: Emanuella Giavarra (
Date: ke 25 syys   1996 - 16:23:03 EEST

Dear list members,

Yesterday, the ECUP Steering Group members met with 34
representatives from authors' organisations, publishing houses,
collecting societies and subscription agents in London. The
subject of the meeting was the ECUP Position on User Rights in
Electronic Publications and a set of Heads of Agreement for the use
of electonic publications.

The morning was reserved for comments on the ECUP Position. It
resulted in a frosty morning where differences of opinion dominated.
The general feeling was that further discussion of the principles
underlying the matrix was necessary, before starting the discussion
on the matrix and the Heads of Agreement.

The afternoon meeting had a constructive ending. It was decided to
set up a pilot project between authors, publishers, collecting
societies and subscription agents to test the ECUP matrix in a real
life environment. The ECUP Steering Group members were very
pleased with the results of this one day meeting.

The ECUP Position Paper will soon be available from the ECUP
Web-site or it can be obtained from the ECUP secretariat:
P.O. Box 43300, 2504 AH The Hague, The Netherlands.

Best wishes,
Emanuella Giavarra
Project Director ECUP

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