IPR services for R&D projects

Subject: IPR services for R&D projects
From: Emanuella Giavarra (ecup.secr@dial.pipex.com)
Date: ke 18 syys   1996 - 13:04:49 EEST

Dear list members:

The European Community's INNOVATION programme (specific
programme for the dissemination and exploitation of research
results) has started to offer services aimed at raising awareness of
intellectual property rights (IPR) and the patent system. It also
provides advice and information to companies/organisations
participating in Community-funded research programmes.

This scheme helps with patent questions during the first year of a
project. The programme is also developing a 'Patent help line'.

For more information, please contact Mr. Jean-Noel Durvy in
Luxembourg (Fax: 352-430134129) or visit http://www.cordis.lu/

Kind regards,
Emanuella Giavarra

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