Re: WIPO Proposals

Subject: Re: WIPO Proposals
From: Nuria Gallart. UAB (
Date: la 14 syys   1996 - 21:43:34 EEST

Dear Emanuella,

Answering your request for comments to the WIPO
proposals, here is my contribution.

On Article 7, (2) I do not understand why WIPO
introduces the limitation on the right of reproduction
when it has "the sole purpose of making the work
perceptible or where the reproduction is of a
transient or incidental nature..." ONLY as a matter
of National legislation. That is a need for electronic
publications in order to be used and therefore
intrinsec to their nature, if it refers to the
electronic transmission and viewing. I wonder if
it should be included under Article 9 (2) provisions.

I have also a question:
Is it mentioned in any part of the document the
limitation to the right of reproduction when it
is intended for preservation purposes of the cultural
heritage and provided it does not undermine the
normal exploitation of the work? Should not this subject
be included at the international level legislation?

Best regards,

Nuria Gallart

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