Subject: Review of - Access to Public Information: A key to Commercial Growth and Electronic Democracy
From: Nicola Clare (
Date: ke 17 heinä 1996 - 06:02:00 EEST
JILT has now published a substantial review of this conference by Maeve
McDonagh of University College Cork as part of its continuing feature on
open access to legal information.
The conference review has a number of hyperlinks to relevant sources such
as the Berne Convention and the Data Protection Directive and also to the
conference papers 'homepage'.
the urls are;
Enjoy :-)
Nicola A Clare e-mail:
Production Editor - Electronic Law Journals
Centre for Law, Computers and Technology, University of Strathclyde,
173 Cathedral Street, Glasgow G4 0RQ
Tel + 44 (0)141 552 4400 X3289 Fax + 44 (0)141 553 1546
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