what is a copyright issue?

Subject: what is a copyright issue?
From: Rami Heinisuo (Rami.Heinisuo@pori.fi)
Date: pe 05 heinä  1996 - 13:01:46 EEST

This will be my last posting for the time being, so bear with me or hit

I know that almost anything can be made to look like a copyright issue,
but I have to disagree with Brian Kefford of the British Library, because
I think that free access to their databases is a copyright issue and
therefore can be discussed on this list.

If some institution wanted to publish any of BLs databases to the public
for free, would BL agree to that at no cost? Probably not, because they
own the database, they have the copyright (to the extent where databases
can be copyrighted) and therefore they can get revenue from the use of
their databases.

As I said in my earlier posting, we really should 'put the pressure'
on those people who are in charge of allocating funds to these
institutions, since every institution defends it's interests to maximum
extent - BLs answer was a very good example of such defense.

Comments, anyone? I'm almost sure that is not going to be any.
Maybe this list should be renamed as 'monologue list' instead of
discussion list.

Anyway, I think that it is up to the moderator or list owner to say if a
thread is worth discussing or not - and not the BLs, though freedom of
speech includes representatives of the BL also.

Yours Sincerely,

Rami Heinisuo

Rami Heinisuo City Library of Pori
Information specialist Regional library of Satakunta
rami.heinisuo@pori.fi PB 200 FIN-28101 PORI

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