Re: The role of subscription agents

Subject: Re: The role of subscription agents
From: Hannele Koivunen (
Date: ti 25 kesä   1996 - 08:32:46 EEST

Emanuella Giavarra asked, if the subscription agents could possibly
substitute the collective societies in the negotiations with libraries for
electronic copying. I think that the subscription agents and the collective
societies have a different role as regards libraries, and that is why I
doubt if the collective agents can be substituted this way in negotiating
copyright issues.

By the way, I will attend the conference: Access To Public Information: A
Key To Commercial Growth And Electronic Democracy, arranged by
Commission in Stockholm, 27-28-6-1996. I will report my reflections on the
conference to the ecup-list subscribers.

Hannele Koivunen

>Dear ecup-list subscribers,
>At a Swets seminar in the Netherlands on the changing role of organizations
in the information chain, Mr
>Jan Velterop, Managing Director of Academic Press UK, stressed that he
keen that publishers and
>subscription agents worked together for the good of customers in areas such
as licence administration,
>the development of databases and cooperation in the value added services
offered by each.
>It is now often heard that larger publishing houses prefer subscription
agents to assist them with the
>licence administration of their electronic publications. Is this the
prefered mechanisme for librarians?
>What about the smaller publishers? What about the role of the collecting
societies, like KOPINOR,
>KOPIOSTO, VG WORT etc. Will the subscription agents substitute the
collecting societies in the
>negotiations with libraries for electronic copying?
>Emanuella Giavarra

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