From: Emanuella Giavarra (ecup.secr@dial.pipex.com)
Date: ti 11 kesä   1996 - 19:48:33 EEST

Dear ecup-list subscribers,

I would like to inform you on the progress made by the ECUP
Steering Group in defining the ECUP Library Position on Electronic
Publications and drawing up a set of model contracts.

Yesterday the ECUP Steering Group met in London to discuss the
legal framework supporting the ECUP Library Position on
Electronic Publications. It is the intention of the Steering Group to
produce before the end of this month a policy paper concerning the
"user rights" in the electronic environment. It will be an overall paper
comprising legal, cultural, educational, research, economic and social
aspects. It will be sent to all the member of EBLIDA for distibution
among their own members and for publication in their magazines.

Also the draft model contracts were discussed. It is the intention of
the Steering Group to produce two model contracts, one for setting
up an electronic collection in the library and one for electronic
journals aquired from the publisher. These two model contracts will
be written for four different types of libraries: National libraries,
University libraries, Public libraries and Other libraries (like,
Corporate libraries, School libraries, etc).

The ECUP Library Position and the model contracts will be
discussed with authors, collecting societies and publishers on
24 September in London.

The outcomes of this meeting will be reported to the Legal Advisory
Board of the European Commission (DGXIII). Information on the
Legal Advisory Board was send to this list last week. You can find
the message in the ecup-list archive:


Best wishes,
Emanuella Giavarra

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