Helena Hirvineimi Architects
Helena Hirviniemi, Jaakko West

Client, Construction Management
and Main Contractor:
Oulunsalo Municipality

Special Woodwork:
Lakeuden Hirsi K. Loukkola

The area of Varjakka in Oulunsalo municipality covers a cape extending into the northern part of the Gulf of Bothnia, the Island of Varjakka and the adjacent Pyydyskari islet. Varjakka has a rich history: in the nineteenth century it was a dockyard, then housed a timber mill until the end of the 1920s. Since the 1950s the buildings have mainly been used as summer cottages.

There are 14 existing buildings, built of vertical logs, and representing the progressive wood architecture of their time and an attempt to solve the working-class housing problems. The entire area has a clear imprint of a model community.

In 1995 an overall plan was compiled for Varjakka in order to develop the area, renovate the existing buildings and redevelope.