From mkantola@katto.kaapeli.fiFri Nov 3 10:26:56 1995 Date: Fri, 3 Nov 1995 10:25:14 +0200 (EET) From: Malla Kantola To: HCA-lista ,, Cc: Mielonen Timo Subject: first translation HCA Tuzla Report (fwd) ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Sat, 28 Oct 1995 22:46:00 +0100 From: Frank Hofmann To: Subject: first translation HCA Tuzla Report ________________________forwarding header________________________ ## a message forwarded from 28.10.95 ## origin : /ZAMIR/!ALERTS ## original sender: ## original subject: first translation HCA Tuzla Report ___________________text of the original message__________________ Zagreb, 28.10.95, 18:43 Uhr ## Nachricht weitergeleitet von ## Ersteller: Zagreb, 28.10.95, 17:28 Uhr AZ>Zagreb,26.10.95 This is the first translation of the report about what happened to the participants of the HCA conference in Tuzla on their way back. It is just a rugh version in half english, half german. But as the subject is being such an important matter of fact I decided to put this into this newsgroup already now. A precice version will follow. frank AZ> AZ>Kratak izvjestaj o hapsenju Radovana Jovica, ucesnik conferencije AZ>HCA-a/Tuzla u Tucepima, Hrvatska kao i "zarobljavanje" delegacije AZ>iz SR Jugoslavije: short report auf Radovan Jovic, Teilnehmer der HCA in Tuzla, in Tucepima, Kroatien sowie über die Festsetzung weiter Teilnehmer aus Rest- Jugoslawien. AZ> AZ> AZ>Nakon konferencije Helsinske skupstine gradjana, 19.-22.10.95 u AZ>Tuzli, vecina ucesnika (osim onih iz Bosne) u ponedjeljak AZ>23.listopada 7 sati zajedno je krenula natrag u 7 autobusa. U AZ>pratnji UNPROFOR-a konvoj je stigao na granicni prijelaz AZ>Metkovic oko 18:00 sati. Cekali smo nekoliko sati dok su carinci AZ>vrlo sporo iduci od autobusa do autobusa uzeli pasose od ucesnika AZ>i ispunili propusnice (ljudi iz SRJ su bili podijeljeni po AZ>svim autobusima). Die HCA Konferenz von-bis in Tuzla almost all participants xpect these from Bosnia on monday,... at 7 o'clock went back in seven busses with the escort of UNProfor the convoi arrived Metkovic around 18 hrs. We waited a couple of hours an der Grenze, Polizisten walked from one bus to the other very slow, writing the transit-visa for HR, als sie nach Tuzla furhen waren sieben Teilnehmer aus Rest-Jugoslawien in jedem Bus. Till 20 Uhr five busses waren abgefertigt and they went to Tucep. After they AZ>Do 20:00 sati je 5 autobusa bilo gotovo i krenulo prema Tucepima. AZ>Nakon sto su vratili ostale pasose kontrolirali su ponovo prvi autobus u AZ>kojem su bile delegacije iz bivseg Sovjetskog Saveza. Uzeli AZ>su im putovnice jer im je hrvatska ambasada u Moskvi, unatoc AZ>insistiranju, dala samo tranzitne vize za jedan ulaz-izlaz, AZ>umjesto dva, i za izlazak. Stoga je sef carine izjavio da smatra putovnice After they brought the passports two the two busses that still were there, they controlled once again the bus that carried the SU-Delegation, they took their passports because the croatian embassy in moscow gave them just visas for one entrance and one to get out of Croatia - but not to pass HR on the way back again. AZ>azerbajdzanske delegacije nevaljalima, jer su to stare sovjetske putne AZ>isprave (u Azerbajdzanu ih i dalje koriste, uz dodatni pecat). AZ>Tako smo morali cekati do utorka, 24.10.95, 03:00 AZ>sati kad su nas konacno pustili da predjemo granicu. To je bilo omoguceno Then one croatian official said that the passports of the people from Aserbaidschan are not valid - because these are old SU passports, but - with a new stamp of the Republik of Aserbaidschan in fact. That is whi we had to wait till tuesday 24 th of Oct. 3 hrs in the morning. They finally left us passing the border after the ambassador of the United Kingdom intervened to the representatives of HR in BiH in SA. AZ> zahvaljujuci britanskom ambasadoru u BiH-u koji je intervenirao kod AZ>predstavnika Republike Hrvatske u BiH. AZ>Cijelo vrijeme cekanja bilo nam je zabranjeno da izadjemo iz AZ>autobusa, a kamoli da sjednemo u kaficu i jedemo nesto. Jedino su nam During the whole time of waiting of waiting it was forbidden to leave the bus not even to go to the cafe to eat something, they only allowed us to go to the toilet - but only one by one. Sometimes they also used to forbid even this AZ>dozvolili da idemo na WC, i to samo jedan po jedan. Privremeno su AZ>nam i to zabranili, kao i da se otvore vrata, s opaskom jednoga "zatvaraj AZ>vrata, neka se uguse".. when we opened the door of the bus one of the guards said "close the door, let them ersticken..." AZ>Do Tucepa je nas vodila policija, kao sto je vec bilo uobicajeno da AZ>prati autobuse iz Praga koji su delegacije iz Ceske i SRJ doveli do AZ>Tucepa. AZ> Till Tuepa we were escorted by the police like they did with the busses driving the delegations of Praha and Rest-Jugoslavia. AZ>Stigli smo u hotel "Alga" u Tucepima u 04:15 sati. Zbog zakasnjenja AZ>je bilo odluceno da se promijeni originalni plan, tako da su neki AZ>ucesnici konferencije krenuli u 4:30 sati, dok je odlazak ostatka grupe AZ>- uglavnom ljudi iz SRJ, ali i drugih koji su se zatekli u dva zadrzana AZ>autobusa - bio planiran za 12:00 sati s dva autobusa iz AZ>Ceske (koji su trebali da voze grupu do Mohaca/ Madjarska kao i na AZ>dolasku, a onda da nastave za Prag). AZ> We arrived in the hotel Alga in Tucepima at 4.15 hrs. Because we were late we decided to change the original plan - so some of the participants of HCA wnet at 4.30 away. The rest of the group - mostly people from Rest-YU and also some others that were in these two busses wanted to leave at noon with two busses from CR. Those busses had to bring this group to HU like it was when they came and then to continue to Praha. AZ>U 11:00 sati u hotelsku sobu Radovana Jovica dosle su 4 osobe u civilu AZ>(dvojica su cekala ispred sobe) koji su se dvojici policajaca koji AZ>su bili duzni da prate konvoj predstavili kao clanovi Sluzbe za zastitu AZ>ustavnog poretka (SZUP). Kad je Vladan Vasilijevic usao u sobu AZ>policajci su ga poslali van, a kad se vratio receno mu je da ce AZ>ga uhapsiti ako se jos jednom vrati. At 11 hrs at the hotel rooom of Radovan Jovica came four persons in civil and two of them were waiting in front of the room. To the police that sould take care of the convoy they said they were represantative of the office of protection of constitutional law (SZUP). When Vladan Vasilijevic came in this room they told him to go and that they intend to arrest him if he comes back again. AZ>Jovica, koji je imao vec cijelu noc problema sa kicmom (nije AZ>mogao hoditi, pa je vec od Tuzle lezao) su oko 12:00 odnijeli AZ>do ambulantnog vozila koje je cekalo ispred hotela (makarske AZ>registracije). Zajedno s g. Jovicem, ambulantnim kolima AZ>otisla su dvojica policajca SZUP-a, a ostala cetvorica civilnom vozilom Jovic has problems with his Wirbelsäule and cannot walk that is why he laid down all the way from Tuzla. They brought him at noon to the ambulance waiting in front of the hotel. They had a number plate of Makarska. Jovic laid in the ambulance together with two of these "representatives of SZUP", the four others of them accompanied the ambulance in a ford escort. AZ>(Ford Escort), te su potom stigla jos dva policajca stigli dva nova. Nisu AZ>dozvolili nikom da prati Jovica. Rekli su da ce biti odveden AZ>u ambulantu u Makarskoj, a onda u bolnicu "Firule" u Splitu. AZ>Nikola Barovic i Vladan Vasilijevic koji su malo kasnije AZ>pokusali da ih nadju nisu ih nasli u Makarskoj, a u tamosnjoj policiji After that two other police men arrived. They did not allow anybody to accompany Jovic. They told them that he is going to be brought to the ambulance in Makarska and later to the Firule hospital in Split. Nikola Barovic and Vladan Vasilijevic tried later to find them (in Makarska). In Makarska they were told that Jovic is not in the ambulance and that the do not know where he is. Both came back to the hotel. AZ>im je receno da gospodin Jovic nije ni u kakvoj bolnici i da ne znaju AZ>gdje je, te su se Barovic i Vasilijevic vratili u hotel. AZ>Do 14:00 sati smo telefonom obavijestili o tome sto se dogodilo, od AZ>Americke ambasade, HCA Prag, preko Hrvatskog Helsinskog Odbora, do AZ>odvjetnka, te gospodin Masowiezki (koji je takodjer sudjelovao na AZ>skupu u Tuzli). Tad su zaposleni zakljucili hotel i izbacili nas AZ>van, gdje smo cekali do 15:30 kad su dosla tri pripadnika javne Till 14 hrs. we have already informed the US embassy HCA praha, croatian Helsinkis Board, some lawyers, Mr. Mazowiecki (he was also participant of HCA conf. in Tuzla). Then the emploeeys of the hotel locked the building and threw us out. We have been waiting in the outside till 15.30 hrs. At that time three members of public security (police) came and spoke with Mr Barovic, Mr. Vasilijevic (they wanted to get his statement because he was in the same room with Jovic). AZ>sluzbe koji su razgovarali sa Barovicem, Vasilijevicem (od kojega AZ>su zeljeli izjavu, jer je bio s Jovicem u hotelskoj sobi) i Lidijom AZ> Grebo (HCA Prag, voditeljica konvoja). and also with Lidijom Grebo of HCA Praha (she was the convoy leader). AZ>Izjavili su da ne znaju gdje je Jovic. Nakon dolaska policijske pratnje, AZ>otputovali smo u 16:15 sati. AZ> The police officrs said they do not know where Jovic is and then the police escorts arrived and we left at 16.15 hrs. AZ>Na cijelom daljnjem putu konvoj je vodjen policijskim vozilom - AZ>patrole su se smjenjivale otprilike svakih 20 km (po nadleznosti). AZ>U Splitu, gdje smo stigli 17:00 sati, iz autobusa su isisli predstavnica AZ>Dalmatinskog odbora solidarnosti iz Splita, nekoliko stranaca AZ>(5) i jedan novinar Radija B92 iz Beograda, nakon sto su policajci AZ>provjerili njihove podatke, sto je trajalo barem pola sata. 'During the whole trip the conoy was lead by a police car, that was exchanged every 20 km. In Split, where we arrived at 17 hrs, a representative of the Dalmatian Board of Solidarity from Split left the bus, a couple of internationals (5) and one journalits from radio B92 of Belgrade. After the police checkec their datas, which took half an hour. AZ>Tako su ostali u autobusima 3 predstavnika HCA-a iz Praga, AZ>novinarka ARKZIN-a i jedan hrvatski opozicijski politicar iz AZ>Zagreba,jedan clan njemackog ogranka HCA-a i grupa od oko 70 ljudi AZ>iz SRJ (medju njih veliki broj istaknutih licnosti, novinari Vremna, AZ>Nase Borbe, Monitora, Bete i VIN-a , intelekualci i predstavnici AZ>raznih nevladinih organizacija). In the Bus stayed 3 represantatives of HCA praha, one journalist from ARKzin, one croatian politician of the opposition from Zagreb, one member of german HCA and a group of 70 people from Rest-YU, darunter a lot of official persons: journalists of Nasa Borba, Vreme, Monitor Beta, Vin, Intellectual and representatives of a variety of NGOs). AZ>Nastavljen je put preko Knina, Gracaca, Gospica i Karlovca do AZ>Zagreba. Tamo je u srijedu, 25.10.95 u 05:00 izaslo dvoje AZ>ucesnika iz Hrvatske i jedan iz Njemacke. We contineud the trip over Knin, Gracaca, Gospic and Karlovac to Zagreb. In Zagreb one participants of the HCA conference from Croatia and from Germany gott off the bus. AZ>Na cijelom put od Tucepi do Zagreba su putnicima samo tri puta AZ>dozvolili da za 5 minuta izadju iz autobusa, a to ne kod nekog AZ>WC-a ili restorana, nego uz ceste, tako da niko nije mogao jesti AZ>i pa cak ni popiti vode tokom tih 13 sati. U jednom trenutku jedan AZ>policajac blizu Knina usao je u bus i naredio da putovnici ne AZ>puse narednih 10 sati (!!!). During the whole trip from Tucepi to Zagreb the travellers where allowed to make a break only three times for five minutes. But these breaks were not made near toilets or Restaurants. So nobody was able to eat sthg. or to drin some water during these 13 hrs. In one moment one police men near knin came into the bus and ordered the travellers not to smoke for the next ten hours. Svaki put kad su preuzeli konvoj AZ>novi policajci morali smo ponovo brojati putnike, iako se od AZ>Splita uopce nije mogao mijenjati broj. Na pitanju zasto se tako AZ>ponasaju nam je samo receno da radi po naredjenju i da nisu AZ>ovlasteni dati vise podataka. Whenever the police patrols were changed the "new" police men counted the people in the two busses again, despite the fact it was not possible for them to get off the bus, to change or whatever. When we asked them why they are behaving like that, they said they have orders and are not allowed to give any information. AZ> AZ>Petorici ljudi iz SRJ koji su zahtijevali da ih ostanu u Zagrebu to AZ>nije dozvoljeno iako su neki od njih imali vize do 30.10.95 AZ>(ostali do ponoci 25.10.95). Receno im je da je bilo zvano AZ>ministarstvo unutrasnjih i vanjskih poslova i da su odbijeni, jer AZ>srpska strana ne pusta hrvatske novinare u Istocnu Slavoniju. Fivve people from Rump-YU that asked for staying in Zagreb were not allowed to do so - even despite the fact that they had visas valid till the end of october, others of them had visas till midnight of the 25th of October 1995. We have been told that the ministery of interior and the foreign ministry have been ordered this because croatian journalists were not allowed to get into Eastern Slavonia. AZ> AZ> AZ>Informirani smo danas popodne da su autobusi stigli u Mohac AZ>oko 15:00 sati. AZ> We have been informed that the busses arrived in Mohac/Hungarian border today at 15 o'clock. AZ>Jucer popodne na konferenciji za stampu ministarstvo unutarnjih AZ>poslova je informiralo javnost da je Radovan Jovic medju 14 ljudi AZ>koji su u ponedjeljak i utorak uhapseni pod sumnjom da su radili AZ>za srpsku spijunsku mrezu na slobodnoj teritoriji Republike AZ>Hrvatske u protekle 4 godina. AZ>Dosad je jedina informacija da se gospodin Jovic nalazi u pritvoru AZ>Vojnog suda u Zagrebu. AZ> Yesterday in the afternoon on the press conference the ministry of interiors informed the public that Radovan Jovic is under the people that were arrested under supicion of spying on the former serb held territroy of Croatia during the last four years. The only information we have ist that Mr. Jovic is arrested in the military court of Zagreb. AZ>Radovan Jovic, rodjen 17.04.51, bio je sudac Opcinskog suda u AZ>Glini. Bio je jedan od lokalnih Srba koji su 1991 i 1992 AZ>pregovarali sa hrvatskom vlascu o politickom rjesenju krize AZ>u Hrvatskoj. Radovan Jovic, born on April 17 1951, was a judge in the high court of Glinaj. He was one of the local Serbs that were negotiating with the croatian government in 1991 to 1992 about a political solution for the crises in Croatia. AZ>Nakon ubojstva Dmitra Obradovica, takodjer politickog lidera raspolozenog AZ>za politicke pregovore, od 1992 nije vise bio politicki AZ>aktivan. Potom je napustio Glinu i ostisao u Beograd gdje je AZ>potom zivio. U toku posjeta rodbini u Glini uhapsen je u svibnju ove godine AZ>od strane Marticeve policije, da bi nakon intervencije AZ>americkog ambasadora u Hrvatskoj, Petera Galbraighta, pusten. AZ>Kao clan grupe aktivista za ljudskih prava otisao je na studijsko AZ>putovanje u Ameriku. Na skup u Tuzli je bio licno pozvan od AZ>Petera Galbraighta, kao clan Helsinskog odbora u Srbiji. AZ> After the murder of Dimitra Obradovica, a political leader working for a peaceful political solution, Radovan Jovic stopped his political work in 1992 and went to Belgrade. During a visit to his relatives in Glina he has been arrested by the police of Milan Martic. After the intervention of the Zagreb ambassador of the US he has been released. As being a member of the group of activist for human rights Radovan Jovic went to the US for studies. To the congress in Tuzla he was invited personally by Peter Goldbright, the US ambassador, as being a member of HCA Serbia. AZ> AZ> Tanja Tagirov, Arkzin Zagreb AZ> Lino Veljak, ASH Zagreb AZ> Bodo Weber, DOS Split (Dalmacian Board of Solidarity) AZ>########################################################################## AZ># ARKzin phone: +385-1-571911 fax: +385-1-571911 Zagreb - Hrvatska # AZ>########################################################################## AZ>## CrossPoint v3.02 ##